10 Ways to Be Better Right Now

Roz Huber | July 2, 2017 in Headspace

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1. Be You

There is nobody quite like you. Celebrate this. There is only one you. Your superpower is YOU! Trying to be like someone else will only stunt your own personal growth and potential. You will share your passion more clearly from the heart rather than from what you think everyone wants from you. Living your best life takes guts and when you are yourself, it will come naturally. Remember to celebrate who you are. Own your uniqueness and stand up for what you believe in. This indirectly & directly encourages other people around you to do the same.

2. Use Output as an Outlet

Sweat every day. Feel-good endorphins are not sold at the drug store. You create them inside of you through exercise in all forms. The process along the way is equally important as is the end feeling. Sweating and moving can literally give you an outlet. Sometimes it's hard and 100% of the time it works. It always makes you feel better. Use exercise as a way to help clear your mind and deal with the challenges of life. Literally moving and being around like-minded people pulls you out of your own head and makes you grow.

3. Make Eye Contact & Be Intentional with your Word

When you make eye contact with someone it is the purest form of attention. There is power in your word when you follow through with what you say you are going to do. There is power in your word by how you say it, so be intentional. Don’t just say things to say things. Say things with purpose to be heard and to make a difference. The way you communicate with your people, family, and co-workers all boils down to how you communicate with yourself internally. The conversations you have in your head all day long matter. Your thoughts aren't just inside of you. They transpire outside of you too - kind of like a magnetic force field. Whether they are positive or negative, judgemental or understanding, fearful or loving, those thoughts will attract more of the same and show up like that in your life. It all adds up. When you change the conversations inside of you, you’ll be surprised how your external conversations start to shift too.

4. Define your Own Self Worth

Don't let your self worth be wrapped up in external things. Sometimes we let other people define our self worth. We let material things reflect our self worth, allow our titles and our roles to be tied up with our worth. Other times we let our appearance get wrapped up in it and the more we do it, the more we believe it and continue living it. We each have our own container of worth. My self worth can’t be compared to your self worth because you’re not me and I’m not you and that’s the wonderful thing about us as human beings! Having cellulite on your ass doesn't dictate your worth. Cellulite doesn't make you less of a nice person, it certainly doesn't make you any less of a caring person. It doesn’t make you bad at your job or an awful spouse or parent, it is just cellulite. Define your worth by how much you love, how closely you listen and how deeply you care for the people in your world. 

5. Banish Fear and Worry

Fear and worry are like wishing for the things you don't want. They are also the things that suck you into a lack of creativity and fun. We are all conditioned by life. If we don’t have this or that or the newest, latest and greatest {insert fancy thing here}, we fear we aren’t good enough or worry we’ll never stack up to the next person. Really though, when you take a step back, its quite simple: you have everything you need. You weren’t born with fear and worry, you are conditioned through your experiences and when you take some space and look at things with perspective, you will realize you can recondition yourself with love, abundance and prosperity.

6. Eat Real Food

What are you putting in your body? It’s not just about what you're eating, it's about what you're not eating. Its all about balance, kind of like life. Eat foods in their most natural state. Eat foods that are not in a package. Eat foods that you can produce and have simple ingredients. Eating crap all the time will make you feel like crap all the time. Eating well will let you feel well all the time. Everything in moderation is the most important concept to live by. Fries and dessert can be enjoyed sometimes. Veggies should also be enjoyed. Also, BREAKFAST. Eat it. Every day. Also, CARBS. Eat carbs. And proteins. Especially after exercise. For anyone telling you that you shouldn't, it's a trap, don't listen. You need carbs for your brain & body to function and perform for you.

7. Trust Your Intuition

Your gut knows best. You have a clear inner voice & feeling you need to listen close to. As soon as you stop listening to that voice, things get cloudy and messy and then you wonder why your life is in chaos. Simplify your life by being brave and bold enough to listen in. Trusting your intuition and listening to your inner voice is like an old friend who knows you better than anyone. Lean into them.

8. Have More Fun

This one is totally down-played. Society wants you to live down below. Your higher self wants you to come live up top! Fun among other essentials like wine and good friends are the gateway to living up top. When you have more fun in every day life, this is when you've won. When you lose track of time and simply enjoy the moment, this is where creativity and a sense of easy-going-ness is thriving. The sooner you realize we have no control over anything, the sooner you can let go and have more fun.

9. Take Care of Number 1

Self care is equal to your perception of yourself. The way you take care for yourself is the reflection of how you feel about yourself. This means carving out time to spend with yourself. It means taking the time to do the things you love to do. It means filling up on what makes you happy so you can bring a fresh face and more positive energy to the people you love. You never know how many years you get on this planet so take care of yourself and know that anything is possible from there. 

10. Start a Meditation Practice

This is 100% proven. There are studies that have shown the images of brains of people who meditate and people who don’t where the gray matter that makes up their brain actually looks different. It is more supple and the grooves are more prominent. The only two ways to physically alter the make-up of your brain are through exercise and meditation. Meditation can be very unclear - questions like "what to do I do and how do I do it? I literally just sit there and breathe?" are totally normal. The answer is YES. When you sit and breathe you’re creating space in between your thoughts. Because your mind is conditioned to go fast, it can be challenging at first to slow down. That's why it's called practice. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. Start meditating. Stick with it. It only works if you do it.

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