In Focus | Jaye Siegmueller

| July 19, 2019 in In Focus

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Meet Jaye! Jaye is from Lumby, BC. She loves being surrounded in a supportive community that promotes sustainability and connection! When she's not at work, she loves to sample the cuisine at many of Kelowna's restaurants or get off the grid.

Where are you from and how long have you lived in Kelowna?

Lumby, BC.

Who is your favourite person to spend time with and why?

My tribe of women entrepreneurs. I love being around powerful feminine energy. We can create a lot of awesome things in this world when we support each other.

What is your favourite local store in Kelowna and why?

The Farmers Market! Not really a store, but I am in love with supporting local and hand made.

Describe yourself in one word.


If you could go anywhere in the world right at this moment, where would you go and why?

Mable Lake Eco-Retreat! It is this beautiful space perched on a rock overlooking Mable Lake. Nature is all around you. You can swim, forage for plants and just be. There is no cell service and the place is off grid!

What is your favourite activity in Kelowna?

Dining out at any of the amazing restaurants.

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?

Hard pass!

What is the most inspiring thing that has happened to you?

Inspiration is an interesting thing. It sometimes can come from the simplest events. As I sat here trying to think of the most grandiose story that has happened, I'm drawn to talk about the small challenges we overcome everyday. It's not always the big show stopper events in our lives that define us; but the adversity that gives us depth. Overcoming challenges and choosing to look at them as learning experiences is probably the most inspiring thing I've learned.....and I learned it from witnessing a young women I had never met.

Tell us your favourite childhood memory.

Hiking with my family in the forest. My fondest memories always revolved around being in nature. We did a lot of other things too, but the forest has always called me.

Where do you volunteer or give back to in the community?

We give back to Mama's for Mama's! A portion of the member sales from our store goes back to this amazing organization. 
I wish I could volunteer more, but we have just opened two businesses so I have minus 10 available hours every week!

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

Connection! Connection with the planet, spirit and each other.

Where would you sneak away to in Kelowna to spend some time alone?

Paddling on the lake.

Where would you like to see positive change in Kelowna and why?

I would love to see a creative solution for the homeless in the downtown core. After watching the video of the man smashing my windows I felt so much compassion. He has a lot of anger and needs a place that is safe for him to heal, but also safe for others around him. The RCMP and the City I'm sure have exhausted all of their options that fit into their box of what they can do. It's time to come together to try some creative solutions to help everyone.

What do you think makes Kelowna great?

There is so much to do in such a beautiful place.

What are 3 things on your bucket list?

1. Build an off grid home in the forest.
2. Spend my winters travelling to warm places.
3. Spend one year where I completely live off of the land.

Tell us something that not everyone may know about you.

I'm a certified Herbalist.

How do people connect with you, personally, through social media? (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.)


What is the name of your business/organization?

Farm Bound.

Why did you get into/start this business?

I wanted to connect people with local food.

What is the goal of your business?

To build connection back to the earth through food.

What has been your biggest struggle either at work or in life?

Opening the Zero Waste Store. We had two floods, three cooler breakdowns and our windows smashed.

If you could start all over again would you do things the same or would things be different?

Exactly the same. I love who I am today and if it wasn't for all of the ups, downs, mistakes and shifty go-betweens I wouldn't be this person.

What do you always find yourself saying?

Progress over perfection.

Tell us your best piece of life advice.

Breath. You are exactly where you need to be at this moment, but if you want to change things the good news and the bad news is it starts and ends with you.

If you could spend one whole day with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would you select?

Elon Musk....I couldn't imagine how fun it would be to just see what he does in a day.

Why do you think it is important to shop locally?

Oh boy, I could rant on this one! When you support a small local business you are supporting your neighbour. Those businesses support your community.

What has been your proudest accomplishment?

Farm Bound – it's really been a journey that I love and am proud of.

Give someone you think that deserves it a shout out and explain why!

Kristen from Mason Jar Lids. She is a local woman who is doing amazing things for our community.

My choice for the KelownaNow In Focus spotlight is:

Kristen Wilde.

We encourage you to leave your comments and words of support below and submit your own nomination by clicking HERE. You are also welcome to submit a form of your own by clicking HERE.

In Focus is our gift to the community. A way for us to help show our recognition of the people, businesses, and organizations that help make our city great. Thank you, Kelowna!

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