In Focus | Jenn DiPasquale

| March 16, 2020 in In Focus

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Meet Jenn! She loves photography, working with kids and living in the Okanagan! 

Where are you from and how long have you lived in Kelowna?    
I’m from the Steveston/Richmond area of the lower mainland and I’ve lived in Kelowna (Lake Country actually) for the last 13 years.

Who is your favourite person to spend time with?
Truthfully, I love spending time with myself. I’m not saying I don’t have any friends, but I’ve learned to love and spend time with myself because at the end of the day, you have to live with yourself. But if I had to chose an actual other person(s), I love spending time with my grandparents and mom; listening to my grandparent's stories and playing cards is always fun with them!

What is your favourite local store in Kelowna and why?
I really like the Kelowna Farmers’ and Crafters’ market because there is so much variety; the market brings different people together who sell and make a variety of things and the market is such a great one stop for all.

Describe yourself in one word..

If you could go anywhere in the world right at this moment where would you go and why?
I would love to be in New York City right now, I took myself there for my birthday last year and I was also there in 2015 for my 21st, I can see myself living there in the future. There is such a different vibe over there, so much to do and see and I am such a city person, so I would thrive in the city that never sleeps!

What is your favourite activity in Kelowna?
My favourite activity to do in Kelowna would have to be finding a new hiking spot and going for a nice hike with my camera and taking in the scenery and capturing some photos

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
A couple of years ago, when I was visiting my aunt in Vancouver, she took me to a driving range to hit some golf balls. She bought a basket of golf balls to hit, and I had to take the empty basket to get it filled with golf balls from this machine. I pushed the button on the machine for it to dispense the balls, but I never put the basket underneath… so needless to say there was probably almost a hundred golf balls that were rolling around on the ground… my aunt and I had to awkwardly pick them all up.. I probably have more embarrassing stories than that one, but that story comes to my mind

What is the most inspiring thing that has happened to you?
When I was 23 years old, for Canada’s 150th birthday, I took advantage of Via Rail’s under 25 years old $700 unlimited traveling ticket. I started in Vancouver and 3 and a half days later I ended up in Toronto. After exploring the City, I then traveled onwards and spent some time in Ottawa, Montreal and ultimately ended up in Halifax, Nova Scotia at Peggy’s Cove at sunset. Doing that Train excursion by myself for two weeks was the most I’ve travelled solo and I frequently look back on that trip and am thankful I had the opportunity to do it. I met some people along the way, I learned things about myself and the scenery across Canada was breathtaking, I never truly realized how big our Country is! (I knew Canada was big, but it didn’t sink in until we spent a whole day travelling across Ontario to reach Toronto).

Tell us your favourite childhood memory.
I have lots of childhood memories, including doing road trips as a family to Kelowna for holidays to see relatives, and just spending time with family. I remember playing card games with my mom in the mornings before walking to school. I’ll always remember the times when my dad would have dinner parties and I would be his waitress and sous chef. This particular time I helped my parents host my brother’s 16th birthday party, which included like 15 of his friends. The food menu was Italian themed, so my mom ordered a few liters of Spumoni ice cream from this particular ice cream shop in Vancouver.. We got to eat leftover ice cream for weeks; it was awesome as an 8 year old.

Where do you volunteer or give back in the community?
Before getting hired to work in the Child and Youth Department at the Kelowna Family Y, I would volunteer in the Childminding room and that’s how I got hired. I still like to volunteer with different events as much as I can, as I feel it’s a way to stay involved and a way to give back to the Community. I also made photography calendars for my family and friends for Christmas in the past and I would sell the extra calendars, in which I donated the money to the B.C. Children's Hospital.

If you could change one thing in the world what would it be?
I wish people would let others live their own lives without judgment. My favorite quote from Dr. Seuss is “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind” I wish everyone lived by that quote, the world would be much more of an accepting place.

Where would you sneak away to in Kelowna to spend some time alone?
As much as I want to keep this not so secret place a secret, there’s this one bench in Dilworth Mountain Park I love to go to… it overlooks the city, you can see Okanagan Lake and all the mountains, it’s truly breathtaking.

Where would you like to see a positive change in Kelowna and why?
I see a mental health and homelessness crisis in our community, which aches my heart and I would love to see more support and resources in the community for those who are struggling.

What do you think makes Kelowna great?
The landscape and how Kelowna truly embraces the four different seasons, there’s so much to do year round!

What are 3 things on your bucket list?
1.) I would like to payback my mom for all the things she’s done for me and take her on a vacation somewhere we’ve both never been before.
2.) If the sky was the limit, I would open up my own art gallery in New York City.
3.) I would like to continue my travels to obtain better knowledge and life experiences.

Tell us something that not everyone may know about you.
When I got the opportunity to pick an instrument to play in Grade Six band, I without hesitation chose the Alto Saxophone, because I would use to watch the Simpsons when I was younger and I wanted to be like Lisa Simpson (even though she played the Baritone Sax).  I continued to play the Alto, Soprano and Tenor Saxophones in High School; I also play the Piano and Violin.

How do people connect with you, personally, through social media? (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.)
Facebook: Views from the Blue Photography by Jenn DiPasquale

What is the name of your business/organization?
Views From Blue - Photography by Jenn DiPasquale

Why did you get into/start this business?
I’ve never really liked being in photos; I’ve always had a passion for taking them. I received my current Professional Camera for Christmas in 2013 from my dad, and it’s been everywhere with me: London, Ireland, Scotland, New York City and across Canada to name a few. If it weren’t for my dad gifting me the camera, I probably would’ve put the photography thing on the shelf. And for those wondering, the name of my business comes from my nickname “Blue/Blue eyes” from the kitchen I used to work in for 6 years.

What is the goal of your business?
I want people to appreciate my artwork as much as I do; I want people to genuinely enjoy and experience the photos the way I did when I took them

What has been your biggest struggle either at work or in life?
Honestly adulting has been the biggest struggle in my life, trying to find the balance between my mental health, figuring out my career path and overall well-being. I get hard on myself when I see on Social Media that people I went to school with are buying houses, getting married, having babies, graduating Post Secondary.. I’m not quite there yet and I always have to remind myself that everyone is on a different journey, and there is no race to the finish line. Life is about the journey not the destination.

If you could start all over again would you do things the same or would things be different?
I am continuously learning to be happy and to be content with who I am now, although I’m always trying to improve on myself. It might sound cliché, but if I could change one thing, it would be to stay true to myself and to not fall under the pressure to be like anyone else because there is no one like your own self.

What do you always find yourself saying?
“I need to replace Phillis, but knock on wood she keeps running for a bit” (Phillis is my 2001 beat up SUV).

Tell us your best piece of life advice.
"I read this quote somewhere and I absolutely love it, “Live the Life you Love and Love the Life you Live” 
Also travel as much as you can when you’re young and able, as it’ll open your mind to new perspectives in your life and don't take anything for granted as we are not promised tomorrow.

If you could spend one whole day with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would you select?
It would have to be Dr. Phil because I love psychology and I like learning about the brain and how it works, I would love to pick at his mind!

Why do you think it is important to shop locally?
Shopping locally helps supports your neighbors and other locals in your community. It helps put food on their table and helps their kids go to College, rather than help line the pockets of a multi millionaire CEO of a franchise.

What has been your proudest accomplishment?
Being accepted into art shows in the Okanagan like Lake Country’s Artwalk (2015, 2016 and 2017) and Peachland’s Captured Images Fine Art show (2017, 2018) to showcase my own artwork 

Give someone you think that deserves it a shout out and explain why!
I want to shout out my parents for always helping me out when they can, allowing me to figure out my passion in life and for providing me with a memorable childhood. I also want to shout out grandparents and my Uncle Al. My Uncle Al helps me out when my car needs fixing and I’m so grateful for his auto expertise. My grandparents because of all the times I get to listen to their stories and play cards with them. They truly helped my mom and I out when we first moved to Lake Country, we lived in their motorhome for a few months before finding a place to rent. When I was younger, I never truly understood the importance of family. But growing up, and going through life’s unexpected twists and turns, I’ll never take my family and friends for granted. 

My choice for the KelownaNow In Focus spotlight is:
My very talented friend Mack Trewhitt, from Makk Spa!

Some general comments I would like to share are: 
Thank you for taking the time to read this, note if you stumble across my photography Facebook page, I’ve been taking time to travel, figure out my future life plans so the page has taken quite a break. However I’m trying to get back into things that make me happy in life, including regularly posting on my page. But feel free to contact me for beginner level photo shoots, as I’m still a little new to the portrait side of photography and would love more practice! 
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In Focus is our gift to the community. A way for us to help show our recognition of the people, businesses, and organizations that help make our city great. Thank you, Kelowna!

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