In Focus | John Whitehead

| September 10, 2019 in In Focus

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Meet John! John is originally from the UK and has been living here in this beautiful city for 16 years now. He enjoys being a tourist in his own city visiting the local wineries and taking in the scenery, finding new books to read, and spending quality time with his spouse, Nikki. 

Where are you from and how long have you lived in Kelowna?

Born in the UK and moved to Canada when I was 12 years old. I grew up in London, Ontario and moved to Kelowna in the summer of the fire, 2003.

Who is your favourite person to spend time with and why?
My spouse and partner of 28 years, Nikki. We just clicked the moment we met and it has never changed. 

What is your favourite local store in Kelowna and why?
It has to be Chapters/Indigo. I have to admit to a book addiction and I can't walk out without at least one of two books tucked under my arm. I sometimes go, find a seat, pull a book off the shelf and read it (yes, I do buy it as well). 

Describe yourself in one word.
Continuous learner (sorry that's two words).

If you could go anywhere in the world right at this moment where would you go and why?
I have been intrigued with Belize for a while now. It's a small country that has amazing beaches and jungles. I would love to hike in the jungle, visit the Mayan ruins and catch as much wildlife as possible.

What is your favourite activity in Kelowna?

Showing visitors the scenery and wineries. This summer we had family here and we had an amazing time visiting as many wineries as possible. As is often the case, I don't believe we take the opportunity to be tourists in our own town as much as we should.

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
I really can't think of anything, at least that can be published :)

What is the most inspiring thing that has happened to you?
I have experienced a number of "inspiring" moments in my life, one the advantages of being in your 60's I think. I have had the opportunity to travel to some very interesting places and the one that sticks out that had a significant impact on me, and therefore inspirational was being on the Ganges River at sunrise in Varanasi, India. You are on the water in a small boat and as the sun rises you hear the bells and prayers start rising in volume and the hundreds of pilgrims come down to ritually bathe, pray and perform funeral rites. it is very powerful.

Tell us your favourite childhood memory.
I love football (soccer) and as a kid played for my school teams in England and Canada. I had the opportunity to play for my city and provincial team. When I was 15 -16 we had the opportunity to play against the visiting Glasgow Celtic boys team - they crushed us, but it really was a highlight for me and although I really didn't play much after my teens, soccer is still my number one sport.

Where do you volunteer or give back to in the community?
I have sat on a number of boards and volunteered as a Chamber Ambassador. I current am a past president of the International Coaching Federation's local chapter, incoming president of the BC Guild of English Handbell Ringers and am involved in the leadership of my church.  As a coach, one of the opportunities we have is to do Pro-Bono work for none profits as well.

Where would you sneak away to in Kelowna to spend some time alone?
Any of the beaches with a good book.

Where would you like to see positive change in Kelowna and why?

That is a tough question to answer. I actually live in West Kelowna so I'm not sure if I am the right person to ask this. If I think of it in terms of the valley I would have to say dealing with homelessness. I realize this is a complex issue and I do see positive things being done and people caring about this challenge. Creating spaces and services with a long term vision is needed. Along with housing are health, mental care and education for those in need.

What do you think makes Kelowna great?
It has to be the climate and landscape - you can't beat some of the amazing views.

What are 3 things on your bucket list?
Visiting Belize
Publish a book (it's mostly written, just need to edit it and get it done)
Around the World cruise 

Tell us something that not everyone may know about you.
I play handbells and am a member of a handbell choir

How do people connect with you, personally, through social media? (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.) 

What is the name of your business/organization?

John K Whitehead & Associates

What is the goal of your business?
We coach Leaders on increasing efficiency and productivity through improved interpersonal communications and behaviours.

What has been your biggest struggle either at work or in life?
Being patient - when you are building a successful business, patience has to be the one thing you need and that is something I have had to learn. It does pay off though.

If you could start all over again would you do things the same or would things be different?
The same - no change at all.

What do you always find yourself saying?
"What do you control and what don't you control?"

Tell us your best piece of life advice.

"Let it go - Sometimes you just have to realize that you can't control everything, so let it go."

If you could spend one whole day with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would you select?
One of my big "virtual" mentors is Marshall Goldsmith who has been voted the number one executive coach in the world many times over. I have had the opportunity to meet him a couple of times, but to spend a day observing and learning from him would be amazing

Why do you think it is important to shop locally?
It is important for our local economy, jobs and for a healthy community.

What has been your proudest accomplishment?
Achieving my master's degree in 2010. 

Give someone you think that deserves it a shout out and explain why!
Gord Milsom. Mayor of West Kelowna - a very humble, unassuming man who I think is doing a great job for the community.

My choice for the KelownaNow In Focus spotlight is:

Derek Hodkins

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In Focus is our gift to the community. A way for us to help show our recognition of the people, businesses, and organizations that help make our city great. Thank you, Kelowna!

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