In Focus | Katie Nugent of Katie Nugent Photography

Contributed | November 14, 2013 in In Focus

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Katie Nugent believes that each person has a story to tell. She has always been intrigued with storytelling, and pursued a career in photojournalism. She quickly discovered her true passion was telling the quirky and whimsical stories of the people around her and so Katie Nugent Photography was born. Katie seeks to tell her clients stories in a honest and personal way, capturing the feelings and the moments in time that make up the fabric of our lives. She does this through a playful approach and a friendly manner that helps her clients to relax and show their best side. Today Katie Nugent Photography is In Focus.

If you could spend one whole day with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would you select?
Dalai Lama

If you were to receive any existing public award, what award would you like to win?
Noble Peace Prize

If you could spend a day with any historical figure, who would you choose?
Mother Theresa

Who inspires you?
My daughter, my clients, people striving to accomplish their dreams

What are 3 things on your bucket list?
- Following winter from Canada to South America on a snowboard trip
- Build a house with my husband
- Build a studio with pretty things for me and my clients

Please tell us about a defining moment in your life.
Starting my business

If you had an enormous yacht, what would you name it?
Where did I put that thing?

What are you passionate about?
Photography, yoga, family. snowboarding, friends... I could keep going.

What has been your favourite day of your life, up to this point?
The day my daughter was born

What has been your proudest accomplishment?
Becoming a mom

Where is your favourite place to dine in Kelowna?
Rotten Grape

What is your favourite activity or event in Kelowna?

What is the name of your business/organization?
Katie Nugent Photography

What does your business/organization do?
Lifestyle & wedding photography

Where can people find you or your business online?

Where can people find your business on Facebook?

What is your mission?
To tell my client's story in an honest and personal way

If you could achieve one thing within your field, what would it be?
That each of clients look back on their images and relive that moment in their lives

Where do you want your business/organization to be in 5 years?
Studio space, with lots of happy clients

Tell us an interesting/embarrassing story from your work?
Last year, I shot a wedding in Nicaragua. The couple wanted to really showcase the town we were in, and so we decided to do the majority of their portraits walking around town. As we were waking around the streets, people were popping their heads out of their shops and windows and wishing them well and clapping, cheering etc. I had never seen anything like it. Everyone wanted to shake their hands or pat them on the back, except when we stopped at a little restaurant to grab something to drink and a bunch of guys selling sunglasses were telling the groom to run while he still could! Hands down one of the funniest and best weddings I've shot to date.

What do you like the most about photography? Has doing it as your job diminished that?
I love getting to know my clients and designing a session that really represents who they are and whatever stage they're at in life. The creative freedom in photography allows you to showcase people's lives in a very personable way. I have always loved taking photos of people. I think sometimes when clients approach me and have a very definite idea of what they want and aren't willing to collaborate is when that creative energy diminishes. But working with clients who have an idea and are open to creating something together gets me fired up about a session. 

Who do you consider to be a forerunner within your field?
There are so so many amazing photographers; the people I look up to most are: Rodney Smith, Annie Leibovitz, Tim Walker, Max Wanger, Mario Testino

What 3 qualities do you feel that your business/organization exemplifies?
- Always my top priority is client service and creating a relationship with everyone I photograph

- Great quality and classic images

- Value

How does your business/organization impact the community?
I really believe images tell the stories of our lives. When we look back over our lives we can pinpoint how we felt at a particular time if an image is telling the truth

What makes you successful? Tell us about it.
My business focuses on client appreciation. I am so so so lucky to work with amazing people and love what I do. As long as I continue to focus on my clients and my passion for photography and business, I am successful

If you were trapped in an elevator with several wealthy investors from any field, which field would you want them to be experts in? What would say to them/talk about?
Marketing. I would ask them what their advice for a small business would be.

If I could change 1 thing about Kelowna, it would be:
The grey winters

What do you think makes Kelowna great?
The setting

My choice for the Kelowna In Focus spotlight is:
Classic Creations Floral Design

Some general comments I would like to share are:
I believe that each person has a story to tell, and my hope is to unravel it in each session. I believe each moment, no matter how big or small, deserves to be preserved in an honest and natural way. I believe in a playful approach and stuffy poses never turn out alright. I believe your photographer can become your friend and should put you at ease. And I believe in images that are timeless.

In Focus is our gift to the community. A way for us to help show our recognition for the people, businesses and organizations that help make our city great. The team at is passionate about this community and the people that make it amazing. We want to show our friends, neighbours, family and colleagues that we notice them and the fabulous things that they do. We encourage you to leave your comments and words of support below, and submit your own nomination by clicking HERE. You are also welcome to submit a form of your own by clicking HERE. Thank you, Kelowna!

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