3 Ways for You To Switch It UP!

Roz Huber | February 10, 2019 in Headspace

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“Business as usual”

“That’s the way it’s always been”
“That is just what I normally do”

“Business as usual” is just that, as usual.
“That’s the way it’s always been” is just that, the same as before.
“That is just what I normally do” is just that, the norm.
Stay with me.
Back in my fourth year of university, I was floundering in this one course with a particular prof who was an exceptional hard-ass. The course was so hard. It was very research and paper writing focused, not my forte. It was also a requirement which means I had to do it to graduate.
I was a little terrified of this prof so I didn’t make it a priority to go in for extra help. As I’m writing this, I'm wondering if I'm the only one who has experienced this before? If not in university, perhaps in a workplace with a boss or a co-worker?
Anyhow, two-thirds of the way through the semester I finally break and schedule a meeting to go see her for help on a paper project that I got an 'incomplete' on — that means I didn't actually do it.
She pulls my paper out and says "ok, what's up for you right now?" I froze and half-heartedly tried to form a real sentence that turned into tears, of course. She says "This isn't like you, what's going on?" 
I say, "I know I know, I just feel stuck right now." 
And she gave me the best advice that I will hold with me for the rest of forever:
"You need to switch it up, girl. Start driving to the university a different way. Do you do all your work at home? Start doing your work in a coffee shop. Shaking it up will help you shake this thing off, whatever it is."
This might not be the most mind-blowing advice to you but at that time it was so profound and stuck with me so here I am passing it on to you.


If you find yourself stuck in the same old same old, switch it UP! Check out these 3 ways you can switch it up this week:

1.Try out a new gym or studio or class or type of workout. When you subject yourself to a new experience on purpose, you give your brain and body an opportunity to not anticipate what's going to happen in the next hour or so.

There's also a strong chance that you will meet new humans or at very least just be surrounded by different people that you don't normally spend time with.

If you stay open to saying hi or smiling at someone you might all get a double dose of the new vibes that you're looking for.

2. Change your office or bedroom around. If you have furniture if your office or haven't tidied your space in a while, changing the environment around to something a little different can change the feel of where you do your work or where you wind down.

Try putting your desk near a window, organizing that stack of papers that you haven't touched in forever, get a new set of sheets or duvet or, my personal fav, get a salt rock lamp + a diffuser.

3. Start a new book that has nothing to do with self-help or your work or something you know a lot about. Branch out, try a new read that you heard about from a friend and read away. Give it a few days, if it sucks, try again or maybe you'll love it!

Happy Sunday friends,

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