Local entrepreneur gives back to women in need

| November 12, 2016 in Kelowna

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Charlene was just eight years old when the abuse started.

Coping mechanisms can take on a variety of forms, and for her is was shoplifting, smoking and eventually a downward spiral into drug addiction. For upwards of 30 years Charlene was ruled by her addiction, until she arrived at local support centre run by Kelowna’s Karis Support Society. Now, six years later, Charlene is independant, free of addiction and has a renewed perspective on life.

On Friday, November 4, Charlene was one of two recipients of a $500 scholarship donated by local tech entrepreneur Janice Taylor. Alongside the scholarships, Taylor donated all the proceeds from her recent book “Wisdom. Soul. Startup.” in a cheque presentation to the society.

“Karis Support Society speaks to my heart on so many levels as a woman, a mother, my own survival story and my startup,” Janice said at Friday's presentation. “The society is a living breathing testament to the ultimate goal of healing through community."

The Karis Society is the only recovery program in the valley that provides both a supported recovery program and housing for women with newborns and toddlers up to two years of age. They have a seven year commitment to every woman they work with, and are currently serving 39 women and nine children. Their strategy is to help individuals struggling with addiction and mental health conditions recognize their own potential, and support them in the necessary steps to restore them to society.

Friday’s event was a celebration of a budding partnership and an opportunity for women to share how the Karis Society has changed their life for the better. Janice Taylor has committed to making the $500 donation a monthly feature, named the Karis Scholarship Fund, which will aim to empower Karis residents to give back to other women in need.

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