BC SPCA issues plea for help restocking pet food bank shelves

| May 23, 2024 in Provincial

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The BC SPCA has issued a plea for help restocking supplies at animal centres across the province.

The animal welfare agency says it has seen an “ongoing decrease” in the number of donations since January.

A news release says this is another “presumed symptom” of the higher cost of living in BC.

“Across the province we have seen less pet food donations coming into our centres,” says Diane Waters, the BC SPCA’s outreach specialist. 

“Everyone understands that the increased cost of living makes it more difficult for people to donate, but unfortunately, this is exactly when the need is greatest for the clients of our pet food banks.” 

Photo Credit: BC SPCA

In December, the BC SCPCA’s said demand on animal food banks saw an increase of more than 20% when compared to the same time the year prior.

Waters says the society makes every effort to keep shelves stocked but supplies can get depleted quickly, especially during emergencies like the Fort Nelson wildfire-related evacuations.

“In these emergent situations, we need to make quick adjustments and move supplies that were destined for one animal centre to another where the evacuees are located so we can support them while they are away from home,” she says.

Besides emergencies, the animal food banks are open to people from all backgrounds and people have a variety of reasons they need to visit an animal food bank.

“Sometimes a pay cheque just can’t be stretched to the end of the month and people need a little help,” Waters says.

The BC SPCA is seeking donations of unopened pet food for the pet food banks, as well as cash donations towards this important program.

Waters says the biggest need is dry and wet cat food and litter.

You can learn more about how to donate by visiting this link.

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